Vision Australia is a member of several government service and advisory bodies. We work to improve access and opportunities for people who are blind or have low vision through our membership in:
- National Disability Services – The peak body for non-government disability services in Australia.
- Australian Council of Social Services – The peak body for the community services and welfare sector.
- Disability Employment Australia – The peak body for Australian Disability Employers specialising in finding employment for people with disability.
- Round Table on Information Access for Print Disabilities – An association working for the production and use of quality alternative formats for people with print disabilities. Vision Australia is also a member of ALIA and IFLA and various state public library bodies.
- Vision 2020 – An organisation created as part of VISION 2020 The Right to Sight, a global initiative of the World Health Organisation and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. Vision Australia is a Gold member of Vision 2020.
- Centre for Eye Research Australia – One of 7 member organisations working to eliminate the major eye diseases that cause vision loss and blindness and reduce their impact in the community.

Healthdirect is a gateway to quality health information for all Australians. It provides links to over 17,000 resources on the websites of over 80 of Australia's trusted information organisations. It aims to improve the health of Australians by providing easy access to reliable health information.
Not-for-profit organisations
Vision Australia is an economically significant national Not-For-Profit (NFP) organisation. Vision Australia supports arrangements for the NFP sector that do not add unnecessary or burdensome arrangements or costs for our operations when it comes to charity fundraising.
Vision Australia is working with government to help ensure:
- less time and resource required to comply with duplicative and burdensome arrangements, and therefore more time and resource directed towards helping the community;
- simplified administration and compliance procedures as well as no addition of new reporting requirements;
- protection and support of vital services that are delivered by NFPs and which have a demonstrable community need and provide benefits to government and Australian taxpayers; and
- an approach that will help improve public trust and confidence by promoting accountability and transparency of the sector through a focus on effectiveness of outcomes for clients as a result of monies raised.